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Overview (General Operations)

  • ABILITYscaled will focus on skills training, life skills, and private and public sector job placement for our clients by establishing skills training and support centres across Canada.


  • ABILITYscaled skills training focus will be in the technology sector and related support services such as customer service, repair, and sales.


  • Industries ABILITYscaled will participate in are directly related to the improvement of persons with disabilities such as medical equipment repair, housing, transportation, and life skills support.


  • Operating as a (PBC), ABILITYscaled will aggressively pursue sales and income creation through our own retail, wholesale, manufacturing, and service related businesses operated by our core staff and clients providing a real-life work environment to resolve life/work skills training for our clients.


  • Skills training course curriculum will be ingrained in all aspects of operations and allow us to offer a flexible skills training environment to resolve practical application of our client’s particular skill-set.


  • Additional support for life skills development will be a key to ensuring a good life/work balance, accordingly, life skills training and related support services will also be modules of our education components.


  • Secondary services will incorporate housing and transportation as a part of overall preparedness for independent living.