Aaron Fotheringham
Executive Summary
ABILITYscaled Inc. is a bold and innovative solution for improving the quality of life for persons with disabilities in Canada. At its core, ABILITYscaled is a national skills training organisation that takes an active role in providing job/life skills training, securing, and maintaining outside job placements in the private and public sector for our clients, and providing assistance services and goods for mobility and independent living.
ABILITYscaled is organised as a series of technology based business units in the areas of durable medical equipment, housing, transportation, and electronics. Each of these business units provides the educational foundation of our fully accredited skills training programs.
Each business unit will generate a revenue stream from operations which is reinvested to improve the overall performance of operations and responsibly manage the long-term fiduciary responsibilities. Business activity is driven by large scale supply/service agreements with government and international corporations, as well as consumer level supply of goods and services.
ABILITYscaled is designed to be a national organisation, to serve and promote independent living for persons with disabilites within their respective communities. ABILITYscaled operational plan includes high population density locations and remote regions which are currently under-serviced, such as aboriginal communities, the Atlantic and Western provinces and northern communities.